
Klasmann-Deilmann GmbH
Georg-Klasmann-Straße 2-10
49744 Geeste

+ 49 5937 31 0
+ 49 5937 31-279

Please send enquiries to: 

Entry in the Commercial Register: HRB 120005
Place of business/register court: Osnabrück
Value added tax identification number: DE 117330851
Managing Directors:
Moritz Böcking
Damian Ikemann

Concept & Design, Realisation:
Expect More Kommunikation GmbH
Salzbergener Straße 8 – 16
48431 Rheine

Klopmeyer – Kommunikation
Salmstraße 19a, 46509 Xanten
Tel.: 02801/7004731


1. Website contents
The contents of our website have been prepared with the greatest of care. Nevertheless, we assume no liability whatsoever for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. All data provided on our websites is intended for general information purposes only and is not to be understood as a consulting service. All offers are without obligation and subject to change. We reserve the right to modify, supplement and/or delete parts of the website or the entire website without notice and/or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

2. References and links
The contents of external websites which can be accessed from our website via hyperlinks or which refer to our website are third-party contents which are beyond our control and for which we assume no liability whatsoever. At the time of creating the links to external websites, there was no indication of any illegal contents on these websites. We have no influence whatsoever on the present or future design, contents or authorship of the linked websites and consequently explicitly dissociate ourselves from the entire contents of all linked websites which are modified after creation of the link. We shall immediately remove any links which constitute a legal offence as soon as this comes to our notice.

3. Copyright and trademarks
All brands and trademarks featured on our website which may be registered for third parties are subject without reservation to the provisions of trademark law as amended from time to time and to the ownership rights of the registered owner. The reproduction, editing, dissemination or utilisation of any parts of this website in any manner whatsoever shall require our prior written consent. Third-party copyright has been observed in respect of all contents on this site which were not prepared by the operator. You are kindly requested to notify us if you nevertheless identify any infringement of copyright. We shall immediately remove any contents which constitute a legal offence as soon as this comes to our notice.

4. Legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer forms an integral part of our website. Should any parts or individual clauses of this disclaimer not conform, no longer or not fully conform to the present legal situation, this shall not affect the contents or validity of the remaining parts of the disclaimer.